Dziś jest: czwartek 24 października 2024 Imieniny: Marcina, Rafała, Arety

About Commune


The Borough and Municipality of Młynary is situated in the west of Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, on the verge of Elbląg Upland and the Warmian Plain. Being a part of Elbląg County, Młynary is an urban-rural municipality. In the years 1975-1998 it was a part of the Province of Elbląg (or Elbląg Voivodeship). The local government is located in the town of Młynary.

The neighbouring boroughs and parishes:

-          Milejewo – on the West;

-          Tolkmicko – on the North-West;

-          Frombork – on the North;

-          Płoskinia – on the North-East;

-          Wilczęta – on the East;

-          Pasłęk – on the South.

The borough comprises of 29 villages which are administered into 19 smaller units called sołectwos. The area of 15,709 ha (approximately 38817.784 acres) is inhabited by 1904 citizens.

Within the rural ares, agriculture is the dominating function, and most farms are run by individuals.

The town has a direct Road Communications to Elbląg, Braniewo, Frombork, Pasłęk and Orneta. The railway route Elbląg-Braniewo-Kaliningrad runs near the town.

From the historical perspective, the municipality occupies the once Prussian area known as Pogesania, or its northern part to be precise, which used to be called Oberland (i.e. plateau) since the times of the Teutonic Knights.

A considerable part of the area constitutes a spacious ecological system of the nature reserves, and it is also a part o the protected area of the cultural heritage. According to the data from 2002, farmlands cover 54% of the municipality area, whereas 37% constitutes forest grounds.


The municipality constitutes 10.98% of the county area. The town of Młynary occupies the area of 276 ha (682.010 acre).



In the northwestern part of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship in the Poviat of Elbląg on the edge of the Elbląg Upland and Warmia Plain, the picturesque Commune of Młynary is located. The commune consists of 29 localities, 19 of which are villages.

According to history, the commune covers the area of the former Prussian Land - Pogesania, to be more precise, its upper part called “Oberland”, i.e. Foothills. The greater part of the commune’s area is situated within protected cultural landscape area and ecological system of protected areas in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. The Commune of Młynary is a rural and urban commune. Its area is equal to 157.09 km2, 2.76 km2 of which are covered by the town. Młynary and its neighboring areas are surrounded by numerous meadows and forests. On the terrain of the commune, areas for agricultural use are predominating (about 54%) and the second largest area is covered by forests (about 38% of the commune’s area). Młynary is crossed by the Bauda River. The town of Młynary has direct transport road links with Elbląg, Braniewo, Frombork, Pasłęk and Orneta. Next to the town, the Elbląg-Braniewo-Kaliningrad railway goes.

Over the recent years, the Commune of Młynary has implemented a range of infrastructural investments improving inhabitants’ quality of life and reaching out for national and European Union’s co-financing. The most important investments within the area of road infrastructure include construction of new asphalt road surface in 2015 in agreement with the Poviat of Elbląg and Elbląg Forest Inspectorate at a distance of 400 linear meters of road leading to Karszewo village, reconstruction of bridge in Zastawno (2015), renovation of culvert in Młynarska Wola (2016), construction of new asphalt road in agreement with the Poviat of Elbląg on Kościelna, Chopina and Paderewskiego Streets in Młynary (2016), construction of car park next to Kościelna Street with the area of 975m2 and renovation of road in Nowe Monasterzysko through the construction of asphalt road surface at the length of 955 linear meters (2016-2017).

The Commune of Młynary is involved in active cooperation with international partners undertaking trans-national activities. In 2012, the cooperation agreement between Młynary and the German commune of Brokdorf was signed. Within the framework of the cooperation, study visits and exchange of sports teams were organized among others.

In December, the authorities of the Commune of Młynary signed a letter of intent about cooperation with Ladushkin town located in the Kaliningrad Oblast. The cooperation resulted in signing a partnership agreement in 2016. Since then, experiential, cultural and social exchange including exchange of students between educational units has been being continued.

Inhabitants are the top priority of the commune’s authorities. The commune is consistently realizing its strategic objectives including socialization of public property management processes. The Village Fund was implemented for the first time in 2016. The funds in the amount of PLN 279,249.52, which inhabitants from particular villages decided on the use of, were separated from the budget of the commune. The fund enjoyed much popularity among inhabitants of the commune and the initiative itself turned out to be a great success.

Październik 2024
Pn Wt Śr Cz Pt Sb Nd
Rada Miejska
Harmonogram wydarzeń gminnych
Invest In Młynary
Nieruchomości komunalne przeznaczone do sprzedaży
Urząd Miasta i Gminy
Miejsko-Gminny Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej w Młynarach
Ośrodek Kultury
Zakład Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Młynarach
Przedszkole w Młynarach
Szkoła Podstawowa im. Stefana Żeromskiego w Młynarach
Szkoła Podstawowa w Błudowie
Charakterystyka Gminy
Cmentarz Komunalny w Młynarach
Programy krajowe
Program Czyste Powietrze
Aktualne oferty pracy
Informacje o zagrożeniach i zdarzeniach kryzysowych
Inwestycje gminne
Miejscowe Plany Zagospodarowania Przestrzennego
Organizacje pozarzadowe
Plany Odnowy Miejscowości
"Prosto z Młynar" - Gminny Biuletyn Informacyjny
Raport o stanie Gminy Młynary
Rolnictwo i leśnictwo
Dla przedsiębiorców
Wspólpraca zagraniczna
Konsulatacje społeczne
Formularz kontaktowy
Kampania EURES nt. pracy sezonowej